If a Woman is interested- Body language of LOVE decoded
In the language of love,
body language comes into play on its own. Especially these days, when many
peoples are becoming increasingly forthcoming in their interactions with one
another, potential lovers are a lot less subtle than before.
In the olden days
pervaded over brazenness. Predatory female was a rare breed. Today, they are
amply seen. The bold and the beautiful outnumber the sweet and the shy. Amongst
guys, the insolence is even more pronounced. As a result, body language assumes
importance in the amorous games. Many experts in the science of body signals
contend that in the game of courtship, women are usually the ones who make the
first move by sending out a series of eye, body and facial signals. Due to
subtle but potent difference in men’s and women’s perception of sensually, men
are not very good at reading a woman’s body language. Hence they often miss to
decipher the signals sent their way by the opposite sex. Here are some common
“love” signals sent out by women when they encounter a love prospect-

Eager Eyes- Eye contact is one of the most
revealing signs of interest when someone catches as women’s interest, she will
usually raise her eyebrows, widen her eyes and look just a bit longer than
usual. If a woman is interested, she will hold that look just long enough
for the guy to notice. If she gets a response, she will immediately lean
slightly forward and smile to herself. Here, the signal being sent is YES.
Whereas if a guy uses the same Eager Eyes approach, the lady will immediately
turn away if she is disinterested.
The Upward Leaning Jaw- As soon as a guy strikes up a
conversation with a woman, the position of her head and face will immediately
reveal whether she has any interest in the guy or his conversation or she is
oblivious. Usually she digs your bait if she tilts her head to one side and
raises her over jaw towards you. The upward leaning jaw is a very positive
gesture as it strongly indicates she is paying attention to that what the guy
is saying.
Laughing at Your Silly Jokes- It is said that one of the surest
signs of attraction is when a girl laughs out loud, shows her teeth and throws
her head back. This is interpreted as very serious attraction, especially if
the jokes are insipid and banal. If each time she laughs she throws her head
back directly in front of the guy, it means she will not resist the advances
made on her.
For happy & healthy feel/ Vaastu for Women- This Women’s day, ensure that your house is favourable for the lady.
Respect the Lady- The lady of the family should be
respected. Families where women are respected are prosperous.
Tulsi Poojan- Considered as the protector, the tulsi
(holy basil) plant plays a vital role in the house. The woman of the house
should offer water and prayer to the tulsi early morning after bathing herself.
Lighting a lamp near it in the evening is auspicious. The plant should be kept
in the northeastern corner of the house. Tulsi has medicinal value, so the
woman’s health is secure if she worships it.
Marital Bliss- The northwest corner of the house
should not be elevated in comparison to the southeast and the southwest. Also,
it should not be burdened, as these defects can lead to problems in
relationships, especially extramarital affairs. Keep this corner bright.
Wealth wise- keep the lady’s wealth (ornaments,
money, etc) in the southwest direction of the house. Keeping it near the toilet
or inside the toilet is not auspicious.
Health Hints- While a kitchen in the northeast corner of
the house leads to bad health for women, a kitchen in the southwest may cause
her to be depressed.
Career Care- The best room for the unmarried
girl is in the northwest corner. The windows in the room should be towards the
north direction for better career opportunities.
Family Planning- Married women shouldn’t occupy the
northeast corner as the bedroom. A room
here can lead to problems in conceiving as well as miscarriages.
Marriage holds new hopes,
new desires, new wishes… Here’s how to fulfill them, the Vaastu way!
Harmony- Check the placement
of your bedroom. A bedroom in the southeastern corner increases the chances of
clashes, which can even lead to divorce. The southeast houses the fire element
and should be home to the kitchen. A kitchen that is not Vastu-friendly can also
cause marital disagreement.
Harmony With Family Members- Analyses the stove and sink in your
kitchen. The stove represents fire and the sink represents water. Wrongly placed
fire and water elements affect the relationship between you and your family
Starting A Family- Newly married couples and those who want a
child should not sleep in a northeast room. Strong magnetic energies in this
corner can harm both conception and the foetus’ survival. Your bedroom must not
have sharp colors (like red) or thing (nails). The presence of trees that don’t
flower many hamper conception. Ashoka
and keekar trees are also not auspicious. Water slopes towards the southwest
can also lead to the birth of handicapped/retarded children.
Family Finances- Your bedroom should be in the direction where
the structure is the strongest. Take care to nourish the sensitive and
authoritative directions- the north and the east. There should be more openings
on the north. Houses located on road T-junctions are not auspicious. The
junction symbolizes a poisonous arrow pointing at you.
Marriage is a tough job, but it can
also be one of life’s most rewarding experiences. Consider these ways to save
your marriage.
Talk, talk, and talk.
It’s never too late to improve communication. Speak honestly about all the day-to-day
Sign a prenuptial
agreement. It protects your marriage and gives your relationship a better
chance of surviving. Knowing the legal system is a must for today’s couples.
Keep the intimacy alive
even after you become parents. Couples sometimes lose sight of each other when
they have kids. Find couple time, go on dates and be sure to schedule fun.

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