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Vaatu Tips- For Good marriage & happy, healthy woman life



While bahus fret about nagging mums-in-law, the mums-in-law berate the fact that they couldn’t get the ideal bahu! The eternal love-hate relationship…Turn to Vaastu to make it work.

South Sense-    The Southwest is he strongest place in a house. If a daughter-in-law lives in the southwest, she will dominate the relationship. If both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law live in the southwest but on different floors, then the person on the top floor will dominate. If the daughter-in-law’s room is in the southeast, it can make her mood swing. The southeast is a fire area, which should any way not be used for locating bedrooms.

No  North-         Avoid positioning the daughter-in-law’s bedroom in the northwest, which is an air-dominated area and not conducive to stability of mind or heart. Bahus living in this direction will want to move out the house.

Water Ways-      The southeast corner should not have an underground water boring, tap, tank, swimming pool or any water storage. Southeast is a fire area. Fire and water clash with each other and create disharmony. Also, check the positions of the gas stove and water sink in the kitchen for the same reason.
1)       Hang a happy picture of the Mother & Daughter in law (saas and bahu) on a southwest wall.
2)      Place a mangal kalash in the northeast corner or in the house temple.
3)      A rose quartz crystal can improve the relationship. It’s a natural crystal, which can be used in many shapes.




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