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Showing posts with the label Good Sleep for bedtime habits

GOOD SLEEP for Bedtime habits

  LAY OUT YOUR CLOTHES- You can help your body recognize that bedtime is looming by setting routines and repeating them every night, like laying out your nightwear. If peoples establish nightly routines, they can help brain shift into sleep mode faster.  FIX THE LIGHTS-   As it starts getting dark outside, your body releases the chemical melatonin, which peaks at 2-3 am. It automatically makes you sleepy. Any kind of light (gadgets, phones, iPads) that interferes with the secretion of melatonin, causes a delay in sleep and poor quality slumber. Lights in the bedroom should be dimmed and gadget use avoided for a least one hour prior to bedtime.   NO STIMULANTS-    A heavy meal or spicy snack too close to bedtime can leave your digestive system working overtime. Also, any substance high in caffeine or nicotine acts as a stimulant and interferes with the ability to fall asleep. They are best avoided for at least 4-6 hours before bed. Als...