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Showing posts with the label baby care

6 Must- Know Facts About Your Baby’s Brain

Baby’s brain grows rapidly- After birth, the human brain grows rapidly, more than doubling to reach 60 percent of its adult size by the time the kid is sampling his first birthday cake. By kindergarten, the brain has may not finish developing until the kid is his mid-20s. Lantern vs Flashlight- Baby brains have many more neuronal connections than the brains of adults. They also have less inhibitory neurotransmitters. As a result, the baby perception of reality is less focused than adults. They are vaguely aware of everything- a sensible strategy considering they don’t yet know what’s important. Few likens baby perception to a lantern, scattering light across the room, where adult perception is more like a flashlight, consciously focused on specific things but ignoring background details. Babbling signals learning- Within their lantern’s light, babies focus momentarily. When they do, they usually make babbling sounds to convey interest. The nonsense s...