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Showing posts with the label First Aid Tips- Basic


RESPIRATION If it is failing, give artificial respiration- MOUTH to MOUTH or MOUTH to Nose. BLEEDING Arrest the bleeding and protect the world. Apply direct or indirect pressure. Cover with a dressing, apply a pad and firm bandage. Elevate keep at rest. FRACTURES IMMOBILISE it with a well padded stiff support reaching the joints on either side. Apply bandages on either side of the site and at the either side support. BURNS AND SCALDS A burn is caused by dry head and scald by moist heat like steam, very hot water or oil, Immediately cool the area with cold water- for 15 minutes till pain subsides. DO NOTE break blisters, or apply anything on the burns. Cover with as sterile or clean cloth application on the back of the neck and forehead may help. NOSE BLEEDING Sit him up facing the breeze and the head slightly forward. Ask him to breath through the mouth and NOT to blow the nose. Apply a cold compress over the nose. The so...