If it is failing, give
artificial respiration- MOUTH to MOUTH or MOUTH to Nose.
Arrest the bleeding
and protect the world. Apply direct or indirect pressure. Cover with a
dressing, apply a pad and firm bandage. Elevate keep at rest.
IMMOBILISE it with a
well padded stiff support reaching the joints on either side. Apply bandages on
either side of the site and at the either side support.
A burn is caused by
dry head and scald by moist heat like steam, very hot water or oil, Immediately
cool the area with cold water- for 15 minutes till pain subsides. DO NOTE break
blisters, or apply anything on the burns. Cover with as sterile or clean cloth
application on the back of the neck and forehead may help.
Sit him up facing the
breeze and the head slightly forward. Ask him to breath through the mouth and
NOT to blow the nose. Apply a cold compress over the nose. The soft part of the
nose may be pinched close with the fingers for 10 minutes. Cold application on
the back of the neck and forehead may help.
Do not press the bag
of the sting. Use foreceps and remove the sting. Apply cold or weak ammonia.
Wash with soap and
plenty of water. Loose bandage may be applied. Get quick medical aid.
Keep patient calm.
Wash with plenty of water and soap. DO NOT RUB hard. First apply a constrictive
bandage on the heart side of the bite. Not to be applied continuously for more
than 20 minutes. Do not incise or attempt to suck the wound. Get aid quickly.
Try to identify the snake.
Lay him down and
loosen around chest and waist. Turn head to one side. The legs may be raised a
little DO NOT attempt to give any solids or liquids. On recovery a small
quantity of a drink may be given and allowed to sit up and move after rest.
If you are in doubt
the treatment DO NOT DO anything. You may do more harm..
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