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Showing posts with the label Short sequences that will energies

How To Derive Maximum Benefits From YOGA

How To   Derive Maximum Benefits From YOGA Practice yoga   only on an empty stomach. One should be in relaxed state of mind. It’s advisable to practice yoga after taking a bath. There should be a gap of at least three hours after eating lunch. There should be a gap of at least one hour after practicing yoga for taking solid meal. Make sure to use a soft mattress for doing yoga If one is practicing yoga in the morning, he/she should take one glass of water so that excretion is facilitated. Some yoga are not done by people suffering from arthritis, asthma and diabetes. Consult physician for further advice. WHAT YOU CAN DO 5   SHORT SEQUENCES THAT WILL ENERGIES YOU v   For a complete stretch, do an Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) for 15 seconds in two sets. v   Bhramari Pranayama (bee breath) breathing   technique works to calm an overactive mind. v   Finding it tough to concentrate? Try three rou...