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How To Derive Maximum Benefits From YOGA

How To  Derive Maximum Benefits From YOGA
Practice yoga  only on an empty stomach.
One should be in relaxed state of mind.
It’s advisable to practice yoga after taking a bath.
There should be a gap of at least three hours after eating lunch.
There should be a gap of at least one hour after practicing yoga for taking solid meal.
Make sure to use a soft mattress for doing yoga
If one is practicing yoga in the morning, he/she should take one glass of water so that excretion is facilitated.
Some yoga are not done by people suffering from arthritis, asthma and diabetes.
Consult physician for further advice.



v  For a complete stretch, do an Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) for 15 seconds in two sets.

v  Bhramari Pranayama (bee breath) breathing  technique works to calm an overactive mind.

v  Finding it tough to concentrate? Try three rounds of Nadi Shodhan Pranayama (alternate breathing through each nostril) followed by a short three-minute meditation.

v  Hunched over the computer for the last hour? Stop everything and do a quick crescent pose by extending your arms overhead and leaning first to the right side, followed by the left.

v  This spinal twist is a variation of Bharadvajasana and works to tone the back and abs. Hold the back of the chair with one hand and twist the waist to the right as much as you can. Hold and repeat for the other side.

 In a study on YOGA as a remedy for OSTEOPOROSIS .  It was found that the 12 poses- triangle, tree, warrior II, locust, side-angle, twisted triangle, bridge, supine hand-to-foot I, supine hand-to-foot II, corpse pose, straight-legged twist and bent-knee twist, held for 30 seconds amounts to 12 minutes of exercise. If this is done daily, even at the office, It can result in improved bone density and posture.
Micro-Pranayamas and micro-asanas that are shorter versions of normal yoga exercises
Those who have been there, done that vouch for the benefits to micro-pranayams and micro-asanas. Short asanas with neck stretches from chair.  Single 20 minute session of yoga can sharpen the mind. Brisk walking or jogging would do in the same amount of time.
Today, a large majority of the work force has no time, so these micro-pranayams and asanas are just what are needed. If you develop cervical spondylitis, common in work places today. To relieve the pain, start with any micro-asana and go from there. Do short cat-stretches on the desk or chair with neck rolls, which increases blood flow and releases stress as well as shoulder rotations and shrugs. There’s a calming micro-pranayam that’s just about breathing right.” A simple exercise where you inhale and hold and then exhale for a longer time called equal breathing works well to de-clutter the mind. On a meta-physical level, it removes energy blockages in the body.
Suryanamaskar on your chair. It’s great for spine health. All you do is, inhale, go backwards, exhale, bend down and touch the toes. Then sit up again exhale and bend to touch the forehead with the right and then the left knee. This way you are doing the Chaturanga and Adho Mukha Svanasana  in one.

If yogic techniques are followed along with proper diet. Results  will be  faster and better.
1)      Netra Shakti Vikasalk Kriyas
ü  Blink the eyes quickly 10 times, Close and release. Do this at least 100 times in a day.
ü  Sit in a comfortable position. Form your right hand into a fist with the thumb upright and in level with your eyes. Fix your gaze on the nail of the right thump. Slowly bring the hand towards your eyes then slowly move the hand away from you, maintaining the level and gaze as before. Repeat this three times.
ü  Sit in a comfortable position. Light a candle at least 4 feet away from yourself and gaze at the candle. If your eyes water close them and relax. After a few seconds begin gazing again.
ü  Do this at least 3 times.
ü  Rub palms together till they become warm. Place palms gently over your eyes, such that no light enters the eyes. Practice this for 1-3 minutes.
ü  Take a wide mouthed bowl of cold water. Tilt your head downward and put your open right eye in the water and rotate the eyeball. Repeat this with the left eye. Do this 5 times with each eye.
ü  Move the eyeballs up and down. Repeat at least 50 times.
ü  Keep your head and back straight. Rotate your eyeballs in a clockwise manner, 5 times, then anti-clockwise.   

2)      ASANA- Sarvangasana: Lie on your back and relax. Slowly raise legs, hips and trunk upwards in a continuous movement until vertical. Keep the knees straight. Keep the arms on the ground, bending the elbows, support the trunk with your hands. In this posture the chin is buried in the upper chest. Retain this position as long as comfortable. Then come down slowly. Relax.
Do this once.

BENEFITS:  Blood supply increases to as eyes.
Caution:   Those suffering from high BP, heart ailments, cervical pain and slipped disc should not do this asana.


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