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Showing posts with the label Protect your skin from air pollution

Protect Your Skin From Air Pollution

Protect   Your Skin From Air Pollution Cleansing the skin: With high acidic levels in the air, the skin tends to get dry, making it vulnerable to penetration of harmful particulates that are free flowing in the air. The skin needs to be kept moist and using a gentle cleanser is a good option. Using A Toner: After cleansing the skin, it is essential to neutralize it with a good toner. A gentle, soothing toner helps remove oil and traces of dirt and grime on the skin, ensuring there are no acidic particles left. Scrubbing: Once the toner has been applied evenly, treat your skin to mild scrubbling. Mild scrubbing will ensure your skin is thoroughly cleansed of all the dirt. Using facial oils: Instead of using a moisturizer, facial oils prove to be more beneficia l. They act as a barrier, which does not allow outside pollutants to penetrate the skin. Once you cleanse your face, it is important to apply a good   facial oil that will moisten your skin ...