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SWASTIKA for Prosperity & Happy life

SWASTIKA- It represents the four main directions and invokes prosperity from all directions. 

Symbols do play vital roles in our daily lives. There are different geometrical figures that emit powerful and positive vibes and these can be utilized well for overall growth and well-being. One important symbol is the SWASTIKA, full of positive energies, It is an auspicious symbol of fortune and wellness, as it gives out peaceful energy. This symbol holds an important place in Hindu Vedas,
Shastras and granthas. It represents the four main directions and invokes prosperity from all directions. It is best utilized when placed on the main door of the house, as it balance all the directions of the house. The vertical stems depict the creation of the universe while the horizontal stems shows  the expansion of the universe. Also, there are two vertical lines drawn on either side of the symbol; these lines represent the two wives of Lord Ganesha, Riddhi and Siddhi. Draw this combination on the main door of the house as it brings prosperity and success. In commercial establishment, the words ‘Shubh’ and ‘labh’ can also be added on either side to ensure the entry of good luck into the space.

Now let's see some use of swastika, some totka of swastik, some prayog of swastika which can bring success in life. 
1. If any one make panch dhatu swastika and install it on the door then it brings good results for whole family. 

2. If swastika is made with 9 gems and silver and install in East direction then it remove the vastu dosha and attract prosperity.

3. In religious work it is made of turmeric, sindoor, roli etc.

4. If business is not showing good income then it is good to make swastika on both side of door daily and then worship it properly. 

5. If we worship any god or goddess by keeping them on swastika yantra then it will soon give success.

6. At the time of pitra paksh girls made swastika with cow dung to please ancestors. 

So remedies of swastika can be used by any one any time, anywhere. 

Do use swastika for prosperity, power and smooth life. 

How do symbols affect our lives?
Ganesha:  Ganesha can be understood in the form of a  symbol also. His vehicle is a rat, an uncontrollable and problematic element. Ganesha had brought it under control by making the rat his vehicle. Ganesha has the power to direct. The noose in his hand is used to trap the unreal, the illusory. Another hand is in vara mudra ( giving  posture), with which he grants  prosperity to the devotee. The abhaya mudra(fearless posture) of the fourth hand represents the removal of  fear. Ganpati has poverty on his back.  On his right should be Ma Lakshi, to render prosperity stable in your home. He likes modak(loddoo) as prasad. Never offer tulsi(basil) to Ganesha.

Swastika: A swastika represents peaceful energy. Our scriptures tell us that by using and applying the   swastika in our lives, we can bring in prosperity from all directions. It balances all nine directions. Swastika is used on main entrances of houses in Gujrat and south India. In the vertical line shows the creation of the universe while the horizontal line shows the expansion. The symbol is also known as the identity of Ganesha, two vertical lines are drawn on either side to depict his two wives, Riddhi and Siddhi. This combination should be drawn on the main door of the house. In commercial establishments, the words “shubh” and “labh” should also be added on either side of the icon.


Aum:  Aum has over 100 meanings. It invites prosperity, it boosts stability. Reflection of this  symbol kills anger, jealously,fear and ego. Aum is the symbol for entire existence. It is the sound of the almighty, from which all other sound emerges. Where we cannot place our god, we should display the symbol of aum.

Kalash(Pitcher) and Nariyal(Coconut): All three deities-Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha-live in the coconut. If we give coconut filled with gifts to our near and dear ones, the gifts become auspicious. A coconut placed on the pitcher and kept in the mandir is considered very auspicious too. This means the house is full of property and Varun, god of water, resides there. This symbol should be used on the main doors and in the kitchen and mandir.

Charan(Footsteps): Maa Lakshmi’s footsteps are made on floors in the form of rangolis, usually around main doors, kitchens, mandirs and cash lockers, to symbolise her entrance.



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