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Essential Travel Tips For Vacationing In Summer


From packing summer friendly fabrics, to stocking up on light snacks, there are many important things to keep in mind while planning a trip in summer

1)      Go easy with clothing. If you are planning a vacation during the hot months, go easy with what you wear. Pack more of cottons such as comfy pants, loose tops and a light pair of shoes to combat the heat outside.

2)      Don’t forget your sunglasses, always wear a hat when stepping out in the morning and sun block your skin at any cost.

3)      Skip street food. Street food is always amazing, but in summer,  skip the oily and fried items as it will lead to dehydration and gastroenteritis. Instead, try to munch on cool, watery foods like cucumber and watermelon through the day. These will help you stay hydrated too.
4)      Medicines are important. Do not for get to carry some emergency medications like anti-emetics, anti-motility drugs and a few packets of oral re-hydration powder. Also, you can pack some acidity relief tablets.
5)      Carry your pillow along with you to support your back if your are traveling by car, aircraft or bus.
6)      Take a break often. Do stop for restroom breaks, do light stretching in between so that you don’t feel tired.
7)      If you are pregnant, it is important to keep yourself hydrated and carry some light snacks with you to eat in between so that it keeps your and your baby’s health in check. Eat before you are hungry and drink before you become thirsty.
8)      It is also important to talk to your gynecologist before you take a domestic or international trip to discuss safety factors for you and your baby.


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