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Drinking Colas During Pregnancy Increases Risk Of Obesity In Kids

Drinking  Colas During Pregnancy Increases Risk Of Obesity In Kids

Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers should avoid a diet high in fructose-containing sugars as it  increases the risk of their kids being obese or diabetic  says a study. Many cereals, colas and other processed foods have fructose-containing sugars, including sucrose and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). New research shows that a maternal diet high in fructose containing sugars can cause a fatty liver in the offspring. This can negatively impact the metabolic health of the offspring. Researchers gave female rats water supplemented with fructose containing sugars at an amount equivalent to those in standard soft drinks, before, during and after pregnancy. After birth, the offspring were weaned by a mother who had access to the same fructose containing beverage, or by one who had access to water only.

Body weight, fat mass and glucose control in the offspring were measured and tissues were analyzed to see the amount and type of fat in their livers. Offspring from mothers who had a diet high in fructose containing sugars had a detrimental fat content and composition in their livers. This was especially true for offspring who were weaned by mothers who drank the fructose containing beverage. This shows that the timing of exposure to fructose sugars is important, highlighting implications for breastfeeding mothers.


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