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Things to keep in mind during online transactions

Things to keep in mind during online transactions

Caution while using public Wi-Fi networks: Dubious networks increase the risk of malicious activity. Hence,it is safer to avoid networks which are not password protected. 

Use of One Time Password (OTP): One Time Password is a unique number which is generated for that particular transaction. This option is secured in comparison to the 3D PIN which is applicable to all transactions.

Look for security protocols: Security protocols like HTTPS (Hyper  Text Transfer Protocol Secure) which guarantees the website’s authenticity along with user protection and transaction security. Secured websites for online transactions can be identified with green sticker and browser URL which starts with https instead of http or www

Use of firewalls and antivirus programs: Use of updated version of strong antivirus and firewall security programs ensures protection from new scams and hacker tricks. These programs run virus scans regularly.

Avoid common passwords for multiple transaction: In order to avoid the hassle of for getting passwords, people tend to use one password for number of transactions like net banking and credit cards. This increases the risk of getting trapped as hackers can easily access one password and can enter one’s multiple accounts. Hence, it is advisable to have unique passwords for different transactions.

Caution which public computers: It is better to use personal gadgets for financial transaction over public computers.


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