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Monsoon comes as a sign of relief after the scorching summers. But it comes with tons of infections due to the damp and humid weather. 

FOR DRY SKIN TYPE-    Dryness is caused due to lack of vitamins which help in repairing dry and damaged skin. It also means that the skin isn’t properly hydrated as a result of which it looks and feels dry.


·       Drink as much water as you can. Water consumption hydrates your body and flushes out all the unwanted toxins.
·       Use cleansers that are water based.
·       Moisturize your skin frequently. This will help in hydrating the outer layer of your skin, leaving it soft, supple and moist.
·       You may also use rose water and glycerin to keep your skin healthy
·       Keep away from alcohol based toners.

For OILY SKIN TYPE-   The main reason behind oily skin is hormonal changed. One cannot do much about it. But little changes in the way you take care of your skin will bring gradual changes in the way it feel and looks. Follow these easy tips to keep your oily skin in good condition.
·       Wash your face almost 3-4 times a day to get rid of the excess oil from your face. Do not over do it.
·       Use facial scrubs regularly as  it will help in unclogging your pores and also exfoliate your skin by removing the dead cells layer from it. Try and use natural scrubs instead of chemical based ones.
·       Stay away from using heavy cleansing products.
·       Use home remedies such as a pack made of chick-pea flour, milk, lemon and honey etc that rejuvenates your skin and leaves it looking fresh and glowing.
·       Try using hot water to wash your face instead of cold or lukewarm water.

COMBINATION SKIN TYPE-  As it is a combination of oily and dry skin, it needs extra care. The dry part of it should be cleansed and moisturized regularly and the oily part of it should be cleaned, scrubbed and toned to match the dry skin type.

Few  tips to be followed religiously to keep it in a healthy condition:
·       Wash your face 2-3 times daily with an antibacterial face wash.
·       Just dab dry the face and don’t rub it with a towel. This will make the skin look rough and dry.
·       Moisturize the skin regularly.
·       Scrub your face twice a week.
·       Use face packs depending on your skin condition.

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