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Tips for help you lower the expenditure


If you have a limited budget, but still want to have a grand wedding, these ideas can help you cut corners without compromising on quality.

  Instead of an upscale hotel within the city, choose a venue in the outskirts to save on costs. Open ground venues also  have a lowe tax component. Look for a venue where you don’t have to mandatorily use their in-house vendors or decoration and catering services, as these tend to be more expensive.
OPT FOR INDIAN CUISINE-  Food is one area where you can save a lot. On average, hotels and banquets charge Rs1200 per plate for including international cuisine, whereas Indian cuisine costs only Rs800 for each guest.
CHOOSE OUT-OF-THE-BOX DÉCOR-   You can save by decorating your venue with lights and artificial flowers, instead of using fresh flowers and fabric. You can also enlist the help of local craftsmen or use up cycled objects to add a quirky touch to your wedding décor, and stay well under budget.
RENT YOUR OUTFIT OR GET IT STITCHED-   Wedding outfits are only worn once, but can be very expensive. Renting it can help you save 60-70%. If that doesn’t sound too appealing, you can choose a design and get it tailored locally, for a fraction of the cost of a designer outfit.
RENT JEWELLERY INSTEAD OF BUYING-  Renting lets you wear the designer jewellery of your choice for as little Rs2,500-15000. Complete bridal sets are available on rent from several online portals.
GO FOR E-INVITES-   Save on the costs of  printing and dispatching wedding cards by creating personalized e-invites. If some of your relatives aren’t tech savvy enough to appreciate an e-invite, print a small number  of wedding cards for them.
CAPTURE PRECIOUS MOMENTS FOR LESS-     Instead of a professional photographer, hire a budding photographer to shoot your wedding photos and videos.  Their services are more affordable, and they bring a lot of fresh ideas to the table. 

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